
a. Roles and responsibilities related to educating counselors

My teaching philosophy in counselor education explains my understanding of the roles and responsibilities within counselor education as well as my approach to counselor education. 

Teaching Philosophy V Conley.docx

b. Pedagogy and teaching methods relevant to counselor education

The last paragraph of my teaching philosophy describes many of the pedagogical teaching methods that are relevant to counselor education that I believe in and use or will use.

Teaching Philosophy V Conley.docx

c. Models of adult development and learning

This artifact is a PowerPoint I created, Slides 3 and 4 discuss adult learners and recommended teaching methods. I found that understanding more about adult learners really helped me in my internships.

Reflective Journal Assignment.pptx

d. Instructional and curriculum design, delivery, and evaluation methods relevant to counselor education

The first artifact is a powerpoint that I created for a class that I taught on the skills of assessment and goal setting with clients.

The second artifact is a syllabus I designed for a Human Growth and Development class.

Module _week 9 assessment and goals setting Veronica.pptx
Syllabus created by Veronica for Human Growth and Development.docx

e. Effective approaches for online instruction

This artifact is the feedback I received from a professor after giving a teaching demonstration virtually in class; showing that I can effectively teach utilizing an online platform.

biopsychosocial spiritual Teaching Demonstration feedback.docx

f. Screening, remediation, and gatekeeping functions relevant to teaching

This aftifact is from my teaching internship. It is a feedback form  I completed for a student that I met with individually due to her falling behind in class. 

Skills Observation Form Patty 4_5_22 Class Video.docx

g. Assessment of learning

I graded and evaluated students in my teaching and supervision internships. The attached artifact is an example of my assessment of one student's skills while helping to teach the COUC 505 class

Skills Observation Form Julie 4_5_22 Class Video.docx

h. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies used in counselor preparation

The second and third paragraphs of my teaching philosophy address how I value each student as a unique person and welcome their culture, worldview, and background.

Teaching Philosophy V Conley.docx

i. The role of mentoring in counselor education 

The first artifact is of the reflective journal powerpoint, on slide 10 I discuss how a teacher can be a mentor and role model.

The second artifact is an email from a student. I had met individually with him to explore his desires for his future and potentially pursue training in equine-assisted psychotherapy, one of my specialties. The email is referencing challenging feedback I gave him in class. His email shows I was able to provide feedback, as a mentor, in a way that showed I was invested in his learning and future.

Reflective Journal Assignment.pptx
Email from Student in COUC 505 I taught with Dr.docx


1. Reflect on the process of developing leadership level knowledge, skills, and practices in this competency. What has been especially impactful/meaningful/important to you personally and professionally? 

The competency of teaching was an area that I have always enjoyed, though I had a little experience in it and even less training. I feel like I had a lot of growth in this area around learning about pedagogy and gaining experience. It was especially helpful to have faculty co-teach with me or watch my teaching and give me personalized feedback. I have found all my teaching experiences very rewarding, which has given personal meaning to this competency for me.

2. Describe an area of strength that you have developed while in the program in this area of competency. What is one way you plan to utilize this strength in your vocation? 

An area of strength I developed is my confidence in my ability to teach. I think a large part of this confidence is due to me no longer having the expectation that if I am teaching on a topic, I have to have all the answers and be the expert. I have realized I can be well prepared and well versed in the area to teach on it but that there will always be additional perspectives and information that I may not know. I guess this boils down to having confidence in how to teach rather than in the content I am teaching.

3. Describe an area of challenge/growth opportunity in this area of competency. What is your plan to develop excellence in this area? 

A challenge I still have with teaching is the amount of time it takes me to grade assignments and give students feedback. I think this is a skill that will develop with more practice and will become easier after teaching a class more than once.

4. Reflect on how faith in Christ relates to this competency.

I consider the concept of meeting the student where they are and providing the type of instruction/teaching that would be most helpful for them very important.  To me, this is in alignment with the biblical principle of being all things to all people that Paul talks about in 1Corinthians 9:19-23; Paul is considering his audience and how they think or what their worldview is and presenting the Good News to them in a way they could hear and accept it. As a teacher, I am bringing that same Christ-like attitude to my students, considering who they are and what their needs are so as to serve them best.