Research and Scholarship
a. Research designs appropriate to quantitative and qualitative research questions
These artifacts are each research proposals I created, one is a qualitative design, the other is a quantitative design.

b. Univariate and multivariate research designs and data analysis methods
This artifact was an assignment for class where I ran the statistical test and explained the results of different analysis such as ANOVA and t-tests.

c. Qualitative designs and approaches to qualitative data analysis
This artifact is a synthesis and critical analysis of a text on qualitative research. The paper covers many different qualitative research designs as well as theories and future considerations

d. Emergent research practices and processes
Pages 14 and 16 of this artifact address how qualitative research has not been valued as it could in the field of counseling. These pages synthesize this text's exploration and argument for the inclusion of qualitative research design in the future of counseling research.

e. Models and methods of instrument design
In this proposal, in the measures section on page 7, I explore the instrument selection for this study. Considering the consistency and generalizability of the instrument.

f. Models and methods of program evaluation
Page 14 of the first artifact discusses the use of qualitative research in outcome research and evaluating a client's experience in a therapy program.
As the developer of the internship program at my work, I have implemented the practice of program evaluation that interns will complete the Supervisor Working alliance Inventory (SWAI), measuring the supervisee's perspective of their working alliance with their supervisor at the end of each semester. The second artifact is of the first two SWAI's completed on me, and when others are supervising interns we will have their interns complete the SWAI as well.

g. Research questions appropriate for professional research and publication
This artifact is a recommendation letter written by my research internship site supervisor. In the middle paragraph, Dr. Jones notes that I developed research questions for the research project.

h. Professional writing for journal and newsletter publication
Contributed to a submission that was published in the CSI Exemplar Newsletter. It can be found on page 18 of the newsletter.

i. Professional conference proposal preparation
These artifacts are the proposal and the proof of submission of a presentation I contributed to. The submission was to the American College Counseling Association Conference.

j. Design and evaluation of research proposals for a human subjects/institutional review board review
CITI training on cultural and ethical research design with human subjects.

k. Grant proposals and other sources of funding
I received funding for a presentation I contributed to and co-presented at the America College Counseling Association Conference. The artifact is a receipt from the university for this financial support.
l. Ethical and culturally relevant strategies for conducting research
CITI training on cultural and ethical research design with human subjects.

1. Reflect on the process of developing leadership level knowledge, skills, and practices in this competency. What has been especially impactful/meaningful/important to you personally and professionally?
I have always loved learning about research, and have highly valued what it brings to our lives. Throughout this program, I have appreciated the opportunity to dig deeper into research and specifically the theories and underlying paradigms of qualitative research. Expanding my understanding of the philosophies that specific approaches to research stand on has given me a more full picture of research. It feels like I have been able to discover some of the colors which bring vibrance to research whereas before I just had the structures and shapes.
2. Describe an area of strength that you have developed while in the program in this area of competency. What is one way you plan to utilize this strength in your vocation?
An area of great development was in presenting. I have had the opportunity to work with inspiring colleagues on presentations that we gave at conferences. This is something I had never done before and it was quite intimidating! I can say I was intimidated to work with others, feeling as though they were more qualified than I was; and then also intimidated to present, questioning if I had enough knowledge or skill to present to professionals in the field. I now have the confidence to continue to work with others on projects and to submit projects for presentation.
3. Describe an area of challenge/growth opportunity in this area of competency. What is your plan to develop excellence in this area?
A growth area I have is around funding. I have little experience in this area and I know it can be a huge benefit to one's ability to produce the research they aspire to pursue. I do plan to apply for a grant to support my dissertation; I feel this experience will bolster my lack of engagement in obtaining funding thus far in my education. I also know that as I am part of other research projects in the future, applying for grants and scholarships will be a great way to decrease barriers my team may face to getting important information to readers.
4. Reflect on how faith in Christ relates to this competency.
I really connect the ethics of research to my faith as a Christian. I view research as us trying to gain an understanding of God's creation, and as the researcher we are held not only by professional ethics but also by our convictions as followers of Christ to honor one another and to treat others with dignity and respect (John 13:34) if for no other reason than because they are God's beloved and unique creation, just as we are, and that He loves them just as He loves us. I see it as a mandate then, to love and honor those we work with and those who are the participants of our research.