Checklist of Leadership Counseling Competencies

1. Membership in Professional Counseling organizations, including The American Counseling Association

Membership to association and years I was a Member

ACA RMACES Division 2019-2024

Chi Sigma Iota honor society 2021-2024

National Association of Social Workers 2011-2020

Colorado Counsling Association 2016-2017 & 2022-2023

ACA membership.pdf
ACA Membership Card 22_23.pdf

2. Evidence of Counselor Licensure or progress toward licensure

I am clinically licensed as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Colorado.


3. Involvement with legislative or social justice advocacy

I co-presented at the colorado counseling association student conference. Our presentation brought awareness to invisible disabilities and discussed working with those with invisible disabilities. 


4. Attendance at two or more State or National American Counseling Association Conferences

Colorado Counseling Association Student Conference Feb. 2022 (presented)

American Association for Christian Counselors  10/2021 (attended)

American College Counseling Association Conference (Virtual) 02/2021 (presented)

Rocky Mountain Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (Virtual) 10/2020 (attended)

AACC conference ticket 2021.pdf

5. Manuscript submitted for publication in peer-reviewed counseling journal

Contributed to a submission that was published in the CSI Exemplar Newsletter. It can be found on page 18.

fall_2022_exemplar published newsletter.pdf

6. Scholarly presentation submitted to a state, regional, national, or international counseling conference

Presented at the national conference for American College Counseling Association. The artifact for this presentation is the handout that we provided to our attendees.

Presented at the Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 2021 Graduate Student Conference. Presentation was about college students and using creative ideas to reach and treat their mental illness during COVID. Page 16 of the program shows a description of the presentation.

Presented at Colorado Counseling Association Student Conference. Our presentation is uploaded to the right.

Copy of VACES Program 2021.docx
Vernam_College Students New Normal_Handout_ACCA 2021 Conference.pdf